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Other Games and Contacts

PostPosted: January 15th, 2020, 8:31 am
by xGROMx
I stop by once in a while, remembering that time spent playing 2004. It was fun, and the community was great. We need to bring that back again, even if its not with 2004, I know people are still playing or just using their computers. You don't have to be playing to gather.

I don't play 2004 anyone, I do need to install it though, but I do play other games. If I am going to sit down and play some games its usually some single player sim games or on a modded minecraft server.

I would like to invite anyone playing minecraft to contact me and I can setup a server of choice. I do want to clarify these are modded servers not a vanilla server (vanilla = basic) and if you think minecraft is too simple you need to explore modded, its easy.

Other then the invite. Lets start a contact list of other platforms.



Re: Other Games and Contacts

PostPosted: January 15th, 2020, 8:39 am
by xGROMx
Twitch: the_xgromx
Discord: xGROMx#6452